Make Yourselves Known: Third Quarter Edition
? Check yourself! Many of you have raised your book price and stopped selling extra items. That means you need to check your posters, website links, email messages, everything! Is your book price accurate? Is your order deadline or date of price increase correct? How many books do you have left to sell?
? Duplicate orders? If you haven?t already, please run your Distribution List from eBusiness. (Reports > Distribution) If you find students who have purchased two books, please email those names to the Order Center ( The Order Center will happily contact the parents and issue refunds. NOW is the time to follow up on duplicate orders. Don’t wait until May.
? Last Chance Cards Run your list of non-buyers from eBusiness (Reports > Package Sales > Non-Buyers (Students)). Then, order Last Chance Cards from the plant. The cards are printed four to a page, and templates are available on > Resources > Merchandising > 2014 Sales Support. The cards come in packages of 100 and are free in ?reasonable quantities.? Email Mark to order. Item # 0406-000-667
? Highlight the kids who go to your school At Tuscarora HS, the staff took photos of students who have already purchased a book and used those photos for their sales posters. At Madison HS, the adviser printed photos the yearbook staff had taken and the staff used these photos to decorate ?Buy Your Yearbook? posters. Students, I mean, yearbook buyers, were encouraged to take and to keep the printed photos.
? Go talk to your guidance counselors. Use Meghan Percival?s line: ?Hey, you know Jane Nguyen, right? She?s an awesome yearbook staffer. Can you think of other kids on your case load like Jane??
? Ask your current staff members to recruit future staff members. Brainstorm as a staff: Who do we know and like? Who might need an elective? Who needs a home?
? I don?t know if you?ve heard, but we?ve had a couple of snow days. Do you have pictures of students playing in the snow? Have you interviewed students and teachers about the impact of snow days on instruction, especially in AP or SOL classes? In Loudoun, exams were optional. How can you cover that?
? Look ahead into February. What, if any, events might be canceled due to inclement weather? If some events are canceled, what can you cover instead? Can you create a non-traditional or visual break spread about the weather? The lack of schedule?
? Run your index now to determine who has not yet been covered in the book . How can you incorporate those people in the index or on the clubs reference pages? Now is a good time to start generating coverage for your index pages.