Time to Write Your Colophon
A colophon is the statement, placed at the end of the yearbook, recording the names of the staff and printer, book specifications, size of the edition, and other information about.. read more →
Design Your Index
Hhere are a few tips for designing your index: 1. As you are editing your index entries, remember that all proper nouns should be included. That’s all clubs, sports teams,.. read more →
Coverage in Your Index
Now’s the time to brainstorm and to collect coverage for your index. From Thomas Jefferson HSST 2012:? This index spread is a typical example of what yearbook staffs do. Where.. read more →
Move, Rearrange or Replace
The holidays are creeping up on us, aren’t they? Thanksgiving is a little early this year, and Winter Break will be here before you know it! So now is the.. read more →
What story do you want to tell?
Yesterday, Kara visited four high schools in a row. (Whew) At each school, Kara reviewed content pages that the staff planned to submit on an upcoming deadline. With every group.. read more →
Team Yearbook
When Kara and Pam advised yearbook staffs, each staff member or a pair of staffers worked on a single spread. The editors were typically section editors who oversaw the production.. read more →
Crowd Source Your Yearbook
As a follow-up to the TJ editors’ presentation at last week’s fall workshop, we are posting a copy of the powerpoint.?Enjoy! Two?Points of Clarification from Erinn Harris, the adviser at.. read more →
Take Advantage of eShare
Now that?you can customize your eShare code and keep that code forever, we encourage all of you to take advantage of this free service.?And did you know that those of.. read more →
Folios are your friends.
Back in the day (as you teenagers like to say), the folio was always the same. On the left-hand page, it listed the section. On the right-hand page, it listed.. read more →
Quick Review for Theme/Concept
As promised, here is a PDF version of the beginning of the Theme/Concept lecture Kara presented at YearbookNV. This PDF can serve as a checklist for the theme/concept elements you.. read more →
Reverse Your Ladder
If you haven’t already done so, take some time to reverse your ladder — before you begin the new ladder. In the “down time” between finishing the book and distributing.. read more →
Publicizing eShare
eShare is a community upload site you can use to gather student content. If you use eDesign to create your pages, you can directly transfer images from eShare to eDesign.. read more →
eDesign Folios
As you complete book setup and start production of your yearbook, don’t forget to setup your folio in eDesign. You can download step-by-step instructions here to assist in the process. read more →